Kahu's Manao
Click on a sermon title to view the sermon,
click on the the Bible book & verse to read the reference
"Not Knowing What to Say", February 11, 2024. S. Landis.
Mark 9:2-8
"Prayer", February 4, 2024. S. Landis.
Mark 1: 29-39
"Discernment", January 28, 2024. S. Landis.
Mark 1: 21-28
"Follow Jesus", January 21, 2024. S. Landis.
Mark 1: 14-20
"Invited – Come and See", January 14, 2024. S. Landis.
Psalm 139:1-6
John 1:43-51
"A Changed Life", January 7, 2024. S. Landis.
Mark 1:4-11
2023 "Nothing is Impossible with God", December 24, 2023. S. Landis.
Luke 1:26-38
"Be Like John – Embracing Joy", December 17, 2023. S. Landis.
Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11
John 1: 6-8, 19-23
"Jesus is Coming … Look Busy", December 03, 2023. S. Landis.
Mark 13:24-37
"Buried Treasure", November 19, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 25:14-30
"Stewardship of Light – Stewardship of Life?", November 12, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 25:1-13
"Walking the Talk", November 5, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 23:1-12
"Faithful Living", October 15, 2023. S. Landis.
Exodus 32:1-14
Philippians 4:1-9
"Our Kuleana", October 8, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 21:33-46
"Is the Lord Among Us … Or Not?", October 1, 2023. S. Landis.
Exodus 17:1-7
"Getting What You Deserve!", September 24, 2023. S. Landis.
Jonah 3:10-4:11
Matthew 20:1-16
"Forgiving it Forward", September 17, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 18:21-35
"Ubuntu", September 10, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 18:15-20
"The Flip-side of Love", September 3, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 16:21-28
Romans 12:9-21
"Where Was God", August 27, 2023. S. Landis.
Genesis 45:1-15
"Dealing with Dreamers", August 20, 2023. S. Landis.
Genesis 37:1-28
"God is our Refuge and our Strength", August 13, 2023. S. Landis.
Psalm 46
"What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger", August 6, 2023. S. Landis.
Genesis 32:22-31
"Wheat Worthy?", July 23, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 13:24-30
"Good Soil", July 16, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
"Grooves in Our Souls", July 9, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30
"Holy Welcome", July 2, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 10:40-42
"Benediction", June 11, 2023. S. Landis.
2 Corinthians 13:11-13
"But Some Doubted", June 4 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 28:16-20
"Lavish Anointing", May 28 2023. S. Landis.
Acts 2:1-12
"Thoughts and Prayers", May 21 2023. S. Landis.
John 17:1-11
"That’s What Friends Are For", May 14 2023. S. Landis.
John 14:15-21
"Abundant Union", May 7 2023. S. Landis.
John 14:1-14
"Aha Moments", April 23 2023. S. Landis.
Luke 24:13-35
"We Are All Witnesses", April 16, 2023. S. Landis.
Acts 2: 29-32
John 20: 19-31
"Easter is an Earthquake", April 9, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 21:1-10
"Hosanna or Heartache?", April 2, 2023. S. Landis.
Philippians 2:5-11
Matthew 21:1-17
"If Only", March 26, 2023. S. Landis.
John 11:28-37
"Doing What We Have To Do", March 12, 2023. S. Landis.
John 4:5-30
"Our Nicodemus Moment aka Living the Questions", March 5, 2023. S. Landis.
John 3:1-17
"CREDO", February 26, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 4:1-11
"Something God Alone Can Do", February 19, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 17:1-9
"The Better Way", February 12, 2023. S. Landis.
Deuteronomy 30:15-20
Matthew 5:21-37
"To Be Salt and Light … to the World", February 5, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 5:13-16
"Repent!", January 22, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 4:12-23
"Come and See", January 15, 2023. S. Landis.
John 1:29-42
"Beloved", January 8, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 3:13-17
"No Place to Call Home", January 1, 2023. S. Landis.
Matthew 2:1-23
2022 "Seeing Light …. Being Light", December 24, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 2:1-20
Isaiah 9:2-7
"Mary's Sermon", December 11, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 1:46b-55
"A Vision of Peace", December 4, 2022. S. Landis.
Isaiah 11: 1-10
"Keep Awake", November 27, 2022. S. Landis.
Isaiah 2:1-5
Matthew 24: 36-44
"Crown of Thorns or Crown of Gold", November 20, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 23:33-43
"You be You", October 23, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 18:9-14
"Mahalo", October 9, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 17:11-19
"Increase Our Faith", October 2, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 17: 5-10
"A Great Chasm", September 25, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 16:19-31
"Between God and the Bank", September 18, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 16:1-13
"Lost and Found", September 11, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 15:1-10
"Choose Life", September 4, 2022. S. Landis.
Jeremiah 18:1-7
Deuteronomy 30:15-20
"Table Fellowship – aka Food for Thought", August 28, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 14:1-14
"If Not Now, When?", August 21, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 13:10-17
"Hard Words We Need to Hear", August 14, 2022. S. Landis.
Jeremiah 23:23-24
Luke 12:49-56
"Be Ready For A Blessing, August 7, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 12:22-38
"You Can’t Take it with You” OR “There are No Storage Units in Heaven", July 31, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 12:13-21
"Prayer Changes Things … Including Me", July 24, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 11:1-13
"Both/And Living", July 17, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 10:38-42
"A Dangerous Unselfishness", July 10, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 10:25-37
"Living Life on MY Terms", July 3, 2022. S. Landis.
2 Kings 5:1-14
"I Don't Get It", June 12, 2022. S. Landis.
Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31
John 16:12-15
"Amazed and Astonished", June 5, 2022. S. Landis.
Acts 2:1-21
John 14:8-17, 25-27
"All Our Losses", May 29, 2022. S. Landis.
Acts 16:16-34
"Something God Along Can See", May 22, 2022. S. Landis.
Acts 16:9-15
"When Outsiders Become Insiders", May 15, 2022. S. Landis.
Acts 11:1-18
Revelation 21:1-6
"But Wait … There’s More", May 1, 2022. S. Landis.
John 21: 1-19
"Breathing is Believing", April 24, 2022. S. Landis.
John 20: 19-31
"Recognizing Jesus", April 17, 2022. S. Landis.
John 20: 1-18
"The Things That Make for Peace", April 10, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 19: 28-40
"Something New", April 3, 2022. S. Landis.
John 12:1-8
Isaiah 43:16-21
"Seething Sickens the Soul", March 27, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
"One Day More", March 20, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 13:1-9
Isaiah 55: 1-9
"Mothering God", March 13, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 13:31-35
"Wilderness Wanderings/Wonderings", March 6, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 4: 1-13
"Deeply Aware of God", February 27, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 6:17-38
"Still Listening?", February 20, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 9: 28-36
"Blessings and Woes", February 13, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 6:17-26
"Going Deeper", February 6, 2022. S. Landis.
Luke 5:1-11
"Living on the Edge", January 30, 2022. S. Landis.
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Luke 4:14-30
"Do Something!", January 16, 2022. S. Landis.
John 2:1-12
"I Have Called You by Name", January 9, 2022. S. Landis.
Isaiah 43:1-7
Luke 3:15-17 "Unlikely Gift?", January 2, 2022. S. Landis.
Isaiah 60:1-6
Matthew 2:1-12 2021 "Moving Godward", December 19, 2021. S. Landis.
Luke 3:3-20 "What Then Should We Do?", December 12, 2021. S. Landis.
Philippians 4:4-7
Luke 3:3-20 "Inner Peace", December 5, 2021. S. Landis.
Isaiah 11:1-9
Luke 3:1-6
"You, O Lord, are My Hope", November 28, 2021. S. Landis.
Psalm 71:5
Luke 21:25-36
"Alpha and Omega", November 21, 2021. S. Landis.
John 18:33-37
Revelation 1:4b-8
"Prayer: Petition, Persistence, Patience, and Praise", November 14, 2021. S. Landis.
1 Samuel 1: 4-20
1 Samuel 2:1-10 "Risking Everything", November 7, 2021. S. Landis.
Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17
Mark 12:38-44 "Wherever You Go", October 31, 2021. S. Landis.
Ruth 1:1-18
"Throw Off Your Cloak – Take Heart", October 24, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 10:46-52
"Be Careful What You Ask For", October 17, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 10:35-45
"A Puka Only Jesus Can Fill", October 10, 2021. D. Barger.
Mark 10:17-27
"But the Bible Says …", October 3, 2021. S. Landis.
Genesis 2:18-24
Mark 10:2-16
"What Really Matters", September 26, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 9:38-50 for
"Won’t You Let Me Be Your Servant?", September 19, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 9:30-37
"Approval Ratings", September 12, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 8:27-38
"Nevertheless … She Persisted", September 5, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 7:24-37
"Faith: A Balancing Act", August 29, 2021. S. Landis.
James 1:17-27
"Decisions – Decisions", August 22, 2021. S. Landis.
Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18
John 6:58-69
"Living Praise in Challenging Days", August 15, 2021. S. Landis.
Ephesians 5:15-20
"Enough", August 1, 2021. S. Landis.
John 6: 24-35
Exodus 16:2-4
"Abundance", July 25, 2021. S. Landis.
John 6:1-15
"Between Action and Contemplation", July 18, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 6: 30-56
"Doing the Right Thing", July 11, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 6: 14-29
"There’s No Place Like Home", July 4, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 6:1-13
"We Yearn for Mauli Ola", June 27, 2021. R. Nelson.
2 Corinthians 8:9-15
Mark 5:21-43 "WHO DA GUY?", June 20, 2021. D. Kong.
1 Samuel 17:(1a, 4-11, 19-23), 32-49
Mark 4:35-41 "Something God Alone Can See … and Do", June 13, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 4:26-34
"All in the Family", June 6, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 3:20-35
"Mysterious Encounters", May 30, 2021. S. Landis.
Isaiah 6:1-8
John 3:1-17
"What is Being Reborn?", May 23, 2021. S. Landis.
Acts 2:1-21
"I Happen to be Standing", May 16, 2021. S. Landis.
John 17: 6-19
"Beloved – Be Loved – Be Love", May 9, 2021. S. Landis.
John 15: 9-17
"The Present and Future Church", May 2, 2021. S. Landis.
Isaiah 43:18-21
John 15: 1-8
"The Pursuing Savior", April 25, 2021. S. Landis.
Psalm 23
John 10:11-18
"Yet to be Revealed", April 18, 2021. S. Landis.
1 John 3:1-3
Luke 24:36-48
"Now What?", April 11, 2021. S. Landis.
John 20:19-21
"Completing the Story", April 4, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 16:1-8
"The Wonder of Letting Go", March 21, 2021. S. Landis.
John 12:20-33
"Aloha Piha", March 14, 2021. S. Landis.
John 3:14-21
"Seeing God … Everywhere", March 7, 2021. S. Landis.
John 2:13-22
Psalm 19 "Follow Jesus", February 28, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 8: 31-39
"Between Angels and Wild Beasts", February 21, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 1: 9-15
"Glimpses of God", February 14, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 9:2-9
"Time Out", February 7, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 1:29-39
"With Authority", January 31, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 1:21-28
"A Whale of a Tale", January 24, 2021. S. Landis.
Mark 1:14-20
Jonah 3:1-5, 10 "When God’s Voice is Heard", January 17, 2021. S. Landis.
1 Samuel 3:1-20
"God is on the Loose", January 10, 2021. S. Landis.
Genesis 1:1-5
Mark 1:1-11 "Eternal Hope", January 3, 2021. S. Landis.
Luke 1:26-38
Luke 1:46b-55