Coming This Sunday

For Sunday, October 13, 2024

Aloha mai kākou,

A friend gave me some harsh news on Monday. Her words stung. But I heard her out. I’m glad I did. I learned something about her and about myself. 

No professional is above criticism. Aaron Judge hit 58 home runs for the New York Yankees this year with 140 RBIs but was raked over the coals for his performance in the playoffs! It’s best not to get defensive. One can always improve! I shudder to think of some of those first sermons I preached at sixteen! I’m so happy all those sermons happened pre-YouTube and Tic Toc! 

I’ve yet to serve a church where everyone was happy, but I’ve learned that God’s call to ministry is not a call to popularity. Clergy like to joke: Well, of course God called me to ministry, who in the world would be crazy enough to volunteer for this?

We didn’t volunteer, we were voluntold! The bible is loaded with preachers who tried to talk God out of a call, never into one. From Moses to Jeremiah to Jonah, preachers tried to say no, no way, let me do something else, God, anything else, even take a ride in the belly of a stinking fish! 

So, as I listened to my friend relay anonymous concerns about what is going on in worship at Keawala’i, and anonymous criticisms of me, I felt a strange calm wash over me. You don’t need to be a pastor to learn to trust God to take what seems like harsh judgment and watch God transform it into pure grace! I witnessed that this Monday, and to be honest, throughout my entire ministry, for over thirty years. 

To hear the rest of the story, come to worship this Sunday! It won’t be the same without you, and no one belongs here more than you!

·      Our Theme in Worship this Sunday: “Good News from Bad”

·      A “Voices & Visions” Presentation will be given by Resea Burns Percesepe

·      Our “Sending Hymn” is Iesu E, Ke Kumu Nui. Acolyte & Deacons recess at last verse

·      Our “Closing Hymn” is Himeni Hope, in Na Himeni, # 223

·      Thomas Goedecke serves as Liturgist this Sunday.


We Have Time for Some Anonymous Questions!

Anonymous Question 1: Hey, what’s up with the Order of Worship? Is it true that we threw out the UCC Statement of faith at Keawala’i

AnswerNOof course not! We still use and abide by the UCC Statement of Faith in worship every Communion Sunday. Last Sunday for one time only we used an “Affirmation of Faith” drawn from the Iona Community of Faith for a particular and thematic reason: because it suited the sermon and the pastor’s illustration of The Queen’s Prayer. The Iona Affirmation that we used was what we might call a “one off.” We used it one time all year in 2024. Next Communion Sunday is November 3, and we will once again use the UCC Statement of Faith in Worship. (Whew! Glad we got that cleared up!) 

Anonymous Question 2: Speaking of The Queen’s Prayer: Will we use The Queen’s Prayer EVERY Sunday in worship?

Answer: NO, we use The Queen’s Prayer only on Communion Sundays!

Anonymous Question 3:  Is it true that Cameron Keys has shot a golf score that is lower than his age?

Next Question

Anonymous Question 4: Hey, I’m confused about when worship actually ends at Keawala’i, and when it is safe to gather my things, get up and walk out of the hale pule.

Answer: OK, this is a trick question. Technically, of course, worship never comes to an end (“the heavens declare the glory of God” Psalm 19:1) and we are enjoined by the Apostle Paul to “pray without ceasing” … but if you mean when does the Keawala’i worship service formally come to its conclusion on Sunday morning, think of it this way: worship hour officially comes to close with the KĀ PŪʻOLĒʻOLĒ– Blowing of the Conch by Rev. Dennis Barger & Cameron Keys, although you are welcome to remain seated to hear the pianist and flutist play the Postlude. 


Observations of a Long Time Pastor:

Some people don’t care for the Preacher! If you don’t care for the preacher, come to church! 

Some people absolutely love the preacher! If you love the preacher, come to church! 

Some people are mad at the Pastor for such and such [insert complaint here.] If you’re mad at the preacher, come to church and tell him about it! Chances are, he will listen to you carefully and try his best to absorb your complaint and give an honest, Christ-honoring response. What prevents you from taking your complaint to the pastor? Is it fear? What are you afraid of? It’s better to talk directly to the Pastor than to drive off angry, and then call five other people to stir something up, spreading anxiety and fear throughout the body of Christ. 

Jesus actually had something to say about what to do when you’re in worship and have a complaint or a common grudge. In Matthew 5: 23-24, Jesus says:

“This is how I want you to conduct yourself in these matters. If you enter your place of worship and, about to make an offering, you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you, abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God.”

Making anonymous complaints robs a pastor of the opportunity to show compassion and care, and to fulfill the terms of his sacred vow to God to serve all of the people all of the time, even those who may not agree or like him or her.  How is a pastor supposed to be of help if the criticism is anonymous? A pastor can’t pray with someone whose name is anonymous. A pastor cannot visit someone in the hospital whose name is anonymous. A pastor cannot pray for healing and restoration of a good relationship with someone whose name is anonymous! 

Here is my new cell phone number: 808 283-8035. Call me anytime, day or night. Give me all your bad news (or even some good news!) and maybe we can carry it together to our loving Creator. Bring all your grievances, we can hash them out over a good lunch, on me! Bring all your busted hopes and dreams, maybe we can “pray you up real good.” 

I am here to serve you. Please help me to do this better. The role of a pastor is threefold: Feed the sheep, love the sheep, protect the sheep. 

Come on out to Keawala’i this Sunday and we’ll have some real good church!

Kahu Gary

Bulletin for Sunday, October 13, 2024