Church Stewardship

Questions about Giving

What is stewardship at Keawala’i Congregational Church?

Stewardship is a way of enabling God’s dream for the world to come into focus at Keawala’i. Stewardship is an active understanding of our needs and sharing an honest portion of our time, our skills and our money for God’s work in the world through Keawala’i Congregational Church. 

We feel called to live out our mission in this community and meet our commitments to local and wider mission organizations that help us spread Christ’s healing, love, and justice throughout the world. Staying true to our historic mission of extending God’s aloha to succeeding generations depends on the faithfulness of God’s people here and now! What we are able to do is based on the income the church receives. We rely heavily on the pledges of members and friends of Keawala’i. The amount pledged determines our ability to pursue God’s mission in this place.

What does Jesus say about giving?

In Jesus’ teachings we find a liberating message about the “Kingdom of God” (what theologian Walter Wink calls “God’s Non-domination System.”). Sadly, economic systems can become “domination systems” that lead to wide disparity in wealth. This was as true in the ancient world as it is now. For Jesus, the lifestyles we adopt, the way we use our financial resources and the possessions we acquire are indicative of what we truly believe and what we truly value. As Jesus said, “Where your treasure is there is your heart also.” How we decide to live our lives and share the resources entrusted to us is a “powerful witness to what we believe.” Jesus challenges his followers to take risks, to love with heart and soul and mind, to be extravagantly generous and to trust that there will be enough.

Why should I give?

Giving brings great joy. It does something to free us especially in our culture where worth is so often tied to material wealth and where the acquisition of more and more stuff can consume us. How we use our money is a “spiritual decision.” When we give we remember that all of life and everything we have is, in fact, God’s gift to us. When we share our resources with those in need it is a way God’s love is made real in other people’s lives and their prayers are answered! We are the ones who are so often more blessed by giving than receiving!

How much should I pledge? Are there guidelines?

There are two ways to answer this question. The first way is to ask that you just prayerfully reflect on the money and resources God has entrusted to your care and decide on how much you feel you can give. For those of you who want a more definitive answer, there is a guideline or what is called the “modern tithe”. This guideline sets a goal of at least 5% of income to your church and 5% to other worthy causes. Since it is possible that some people at Keawalaʻi are not yet at the 5% goal, we are suggesting that members and friends consider proportional giving. Please read the next question and answer!

What is proportional giving?

Proportional giving is a way of gradually increasing your pledge commitment. First, calculate the percentage of income you gave to Keawala’i  Congregational Church last year, using gross or net income, whichever seems a proper baseline to you. The goal is to increase this each year until you reach the desired goal of giving 5% of yearly income to the church. If your gifts to KCC last year totaled 2% of your income, plan to increase the amount to 2.5 or 3% for the coming year. You can find more detail and a worksheet in our Proportional Giving Pamphlet. You will find the pamphlet enclosed with the annual stewardship letter, or you can call the church office to request a copy. Just making the initial calculation is sometimes an eye-opener for people.

How exactly does money relate to mission at Keawala’i

Talking about money at church makes many people feel uncomfortable. However, let’s keep in mind our Mission Statement:

Keawalaʻi Congregational Church, founded by our kūpuna, is committed to sharing Godʻs aloha from generation to generation.
As haumāna of Jesus Christ we welcome all, love all, and accept all into our ʻohana.
Keawalaʻi ministers to all through the spiritual gifts we share as a diverse community uniting our Christian faith and Hawaiian heritage

These are wonderful words but it takes money to turn them into reality. The Stewardship Campaign helps people prayerfully reflect on the money and resources God has entrusted to their care and encourages them to give generously as Jesus taught us. Increasing pledges is important because it will take more money next year just to maintain the programs that support our mission. It would be great for KCC to be able to expand some of our current programs, begin a new one, or hire additional staff to help with the growing number of children who are attending our church. It is a step of faith for KCC members and friends to increase their giving—which allows our church to further God’s work.

What if my financial situation changes and I am unable to fulfill my pledge?

A pledge is always an estimate made in faith. If your circumstances change, simply letting the Treasurer or the Kahu know will help the church adjust accordingly. This is nothing to feel bad about. There are also other options. Some people pay off the previous year’s gift early the following year or add the unpaid portion to the next year’s gift and pay it throughout the next year. Or you can just start over for the next year with a clean slate! We understand financial circumstances may change throughout the year.

If I do not attend regularly, is it still important for me to make a pledge?

Yes! Even if you don’t attend regularly, it is important to make a commitment through the pledge campaign so the church will be there when you are able to come. By pledging you support the church’s ministries in our community so it is there for everyone when each person needs it!

I’ve heard that tithing 10% of one’s income is no longer considered necessary. Why?

The concept of tithing is alive and well, but the current definition reflects changes in society since Biblical times. The modern tithe is considered 5% to your church and 5% to other worthwhile organizations that help homeless and hungry people or contribute to other needs in our community, country and the world. In Biblical times, the church was the only provider of social services.

Do you need to be a member of Keawala’ i to submit an Annual Pledge card?

No. Many people who live full or part time on the mainland or Canada and other parts of the world feel that KCC is their church home without becoming a member, and their pledges and the gifts they share make a profound difference. 

If I have additional questions, who should I contact?

You can contact our Kahu or Treasurer, Alice McDermott, or any member of the Trustees Committee. You can also email your question or request that someone contact you by emailing the church office at Your email will be forwarded to the appropriate person.

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